put your 50 word project sttement here
put your 50 word project sttement here
using jelly printing techniques in the lab… and doing the things I wasn’t suppose to do
Do you remember carving little love hearts into a tree? This is like that, except for it’s carved out of inanimate material and then life is added into the wound. In this case the flesh like quality of the agar and red pigment of the Ecoli give it the feeling of a bloody wound.
For this project, I was thinking of the microcosmic vs. microcosmic. There is an uncountable amount of cells in a given spot of Ecoli on a Petri dish, similar to the amount of stars in the sky. I think of bacterial colonies as a little family and began thinking of the familial relationships inherent in horoscopes. My mother gave me my star sign: five little stars in a vast universe.
put your 50 word project sttement here
put your 50 word project sttement here
A speculative collaboration with bacteria to design a nightstand.
Stenciled ASCII image of two hands playing with string figures
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What is the future of natural dyes? Can our clothes be dyed with bacteria? For the bacterial drawings project, I was interested in testing the potential of bacteria as a “natural” dye to see if it would dye natural fibers. Building connections with all natural beings, bacteria included, is a collaboration that I am passionate about for my material research in my practice.
“god’s eye / god in a seed” explores the intersections of microbial life, AI technology, the human hand, and theology. How do we interact with that we do not know? How do we interact with that which seems to know us too well?
Try to use the layering method to apply a second layer of color with a new kapton after the first layer of E.coli has already showed up the color.
put your 50 word project sttement here
Knowing that E.coli will gradually “disappear” after a while of growth (it is actually that the bacteria spread out on plate so the color fades out), I want to grasp and make art out of this characteristic. The 语气词, similar to interjections in English (I’m still trying to find the best translation), in Chinese language are always at the end of a sentence and all of them don’t have a tone, which is rare in Chinese because generally speaking every word has a tone. That makes 语气词 unremarkable and is easy to be ignored. So I want these words to be displayed in an already faded state.
Mimicking cave paintings with CRISPR and fluorescent red Ecoli.
A series of bacterial drawings reflecting on cleanliness and fear of contamination.
Knit a Sweater, ecoli drawing
Bacterial drawings of E.coli were used to create short animations tracking the growth of cells and allowing the texture of the cell cultures to take the form of motions of rain and notions of my homeland.
Using wood branches as the base to display the leaves as a stamp.
The goal of this project was to recreate the appearance of a traditional “gummy worm” using lab materials. The material used here were agar agar, xanthan gum, and E. Coli that has been modified to produce a variety of fluorescent proteins.
My projects are an exploration of the structures of lace and the meaning of place and stability making use of the unique properties of bacteria.
Can bacteria, or other organisms, ‘flag’ consent? The human ability to give and receive consent comes with environmental, sociological, and political responsibility, accountability, and obligation.
Riley Cox, Fibers, 2023 Project Overview This work used E-coli bacteria edited with CRISPR to appear white. In this process…
I wanted to represent intimacy through the language of bacteria and the germ microbiome. Intimacy operates through many layers of consent, and in some ways, this involves consent between the germs of all parties involved. Bacteria are living organisms that become involved in all intimate actions in invisible ways, but these drawings make them visible through culturing.