1 | 1/22 | Orienting Ourselves to the Challenge
In Class
- welcome
- lab check in
- report from Biofabricate
- syllabus
- orienting ourselves to the Biodesign Challenge
- orienting ourselves to the future
- reading: James Bridle, Ways of Being, Chapter 1
- Research Assignment I: artist and designers using biology
- using Will Meyer’s Biodesign and BioArt books, choose one artist that you find compelling and research their work beyond these texts
- create 3-slide presentation on this person/group and add your slides to the group presentation
- slide 1 – show a work that is representative of this artist (from the book or elsewhere)
- slide 2 – present information/work/context about this artist not included in the book
- slide 3 – give you own perspective/critique on the work (consider the BDC rubric where appropriate)
- prepare to give a 5 minute talk to the class
- research: begin thinking about and researching topics, processes, and/or materials you want to explore for the main projects
2 | 1/29 | Researching Across Disciplines
In Class
- Biofabrication Companies: Colorifix
- Artist presentations
- Reading discussion
- lecture: How to Approach Scientific Journals
- research time
- Research Assignment II: scientific journals
- choose a topic of interest to you, related to our class
- think about potential project topics, but you’re not getting married here, its just for this week
- use google scholar to find 5-10 papers on this topic
- skim the papers as described in the lecture
- find one review paper and one original research paper that aligns with your interest and is most compatible with your comprehension level
- read the two papers thoroughly and take notes
- prepare to share a brief summary of the two papers in class
- Read: James Bridle, Ways of Being, chapter 2
3 | 2/5 | Research Taking Form
In Class
- Biofabrication Companies: MycoWorks
- Reading discussion: James Bridle, Ways of Being, chapter 2
- Research paper sharing
- Research time
- Add your two research papers to the class drive
- name the file: primary author Last name, First name – paper Title – Journal – Year (Your Name)
- Doudna, Jennifer – The new frontier of genome engineering with CRISPR-Cas9 – Science – 2014 (Ryan Hoover)
- name the file: primary author Last name, First name – paper Title – Journal – Year (Your Name)
- Research Assignment III – potential non-human collaborators
- find an organism you might want to collaborate with and create a 4-slide presentation
- Introduce your organism and its natural context.
- What interesting things can it do that you can’t?
- What type of things might you do together?
- What are challenges to working together?
- find an organism you might want to collaborate with and create a 4-slide presentation
- Read: James Bridle, Ways of Being, chapter 3
4 | 2/12 | Frameworks for Collaboration
- Biofabrication Companies:
- Research Assignment III Presentations – potential non-human collaborators
- lecture: Ethical frameworks for collaborative biofabrication practices
- Research Assignment IV: Project Proposals
- Read: Joan Tronto, An Ethic of Care
5 | 2/19 | Focusing
- Biofabrication Companies: Spiber
- Research Assignment IV Presentations: Project Proposals
- Form Groups
- Planning and Research
- Vendors
- Discus Reading: Joan Tronto, An Ethic of Care
- Lab Hours
- Collect, Read, Discuss, and Organize papers
- Begin making a list of needed materials, with costs and links to suppliers