Two projects whose final versions exist next semester.
This piece is in conversation with my bacterial cellulose project, “Cellular Portrait.” I was once again inspired by the relationship between the source material and the final product, so I have created another sculpture of my mother’s face to reference the connections between the different phases of mycelium.
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Creating structure for textiles and care using the labor of Pleurotus Ostreatus and myself.
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Using mycelium as a way to remember, a way to reconnect – but how does it feel to be forgotten?
Using mycelium to express the joy of collaboration.
Making a hat out of Reishi Mycelium.
A mycelium milk jug, and a sculptural interaction between mycelium and metal.
My hope is that we can grow a future in which we protect the people already living, to make it a safer place for those to come. Decay is needed for growth and nothing exemplifies this fact more than mushrooms.
This project consists of two boxes grown from mycelium. The smaller box is made with grey dove oyster mushrooms, and the larger is a mix of grey dove and pink oysters. Each is decorated with passionflowers. The boxes are intended to be small caskets or burial vessels for birds or other small animals.