Maddie Olsen, Fiber ’23
Project Overview
My mycelium project is called Soft Grate. I am exploring forms of home items made out of different biomaterials (this one coming from an iron headboard). A lot of my focus with biomaterials in general is how they fit into the ecology of the home and how their presence can change the feel of the home environment. Do they change the levels of sentimental value or care shown to the item?

I struggled with this process a little bit, and had several issues outside of my control that effected timing of this project. Eventually, I packed pink oyster and pohu inoculated materials into a mold made with the vacuum former. The pink oyster mycelium didn’t grow strong enough to hold the piece together, and it also grew a bit of mold. I think a more prolific substrate could make this mold stronger and would hold together. It did break while taking it out of the mold, but it wasn’t crumbling apart so it was a good first attempt at growing mycelium.