Karina Ye, Illustration, 2023
Project Overview
I made this artificial plant out of bacterial cellulose as a way to think about our knowledge of nature and daily objects are limited. Some of the vegetables we may have never been known how it grows and what it is original looks like. This project I combined the brussel sprouts branch with bacterial cellulose to illustrate an realistic plant, and attempted to tell people that this is an existed life but in fact, these are all dead subjects.

The bacteiral cellulose took about two weeks to grow as a better thickness. After the rinsing protocol, I dyed this cellulose with watercolors and the color palette I choosed was matched with the brussel sprouts branch. When it was dried, I tore cellulose into small pieces, then using air-dry clay for sticking them together. In thhe end, I used resin to add some water drops and also helped to build a stronger function.